Thank You for Joining + A Little Update from Me

Wellness In Every Season

Dearest Reader,

How's your day going today? How are you feeling in this moment? It's self check-in time! How are your body and mind feeling? Anything screaming for attention?

I’m so excited to see all of you who have joined my free course, and I truly hope you’re loving it so far! 🎉 If you have any questions about the course—or anything at all—please feel free to reach out by simply hitting “reply” to this email. I’m here to help and support you on your journey!

I wanted to take a moment to share a little personal update. Things have been a bit hectic on my end. Today, I was rear-ended while on my way to pick up my youngest from preschool. Thankfully, everyone is okay, but it has thrown a bit of a wrench into my plans. On top of that, my husband will be leaving town tomorrow due to an unexpected death in the family. Despite all this, you should not see much of a delay in the things I’ve promised you. I’m still here and working through it all. And honestly, I’m learning so many lessons through these recent events that I can’t wait to share with you very soon.

In the meantime, to show my appreciation for your support, I’ve put together a roundup of my top podcast episodes from the past year and a half that I think you’ll enjoy:

🎙️ Episode 61: From Stuck to Empowered with Pam Matula
Discover how to move from feeling stuck to feeling empowered in all aspects of your life.

🎙️ Episode 9: Social Wellness with Kathe Bates
Learn about the importance of social wellness and how to foster meaningful connections.

🎙️ Episode 22: Seeing a Couple’s Therapist with Kate Engler
An insightful conversation about the benefits of couple’s therapy and what it can bring to your relationship.

🎙️ Episode 1: Coaching, Consulting, and Therapy
A foundational episode (recorded when I was coming down with a nasty cold!) exploring the differences between coaching, consulting, and therapy.

🎙️ Episode 2: Dimensions of Wellness and Health
This episode reflects the core of my business, diving into the eight dimensions of wellness.

For those who missed out on joining my free course, I’ve got you covered! Click here to access “Empowering Your Success.” This course is perfect for moms who have been out of the workforce and are looking to find clarity in their next steps. It’s packed with tools to help you uncover what lights you up, identify your strengths, and begin taking actionable steps toward a career you love.

I’m also excited to share that I’m part of a special bundle for moms this month! This bundle includes a freebie I’ve created specifically for parents who want to better speak praises to their children. It’s thoughtfully broken down by personality type, helping you tailor your words to uplift and encourage your little ones in the way that resonates most with them. Speaking life into our children is so important—it shapes their self-worth, their confidence, and their understanding of how much they are loved. I hope you find this resource as meaningful as I do.

Check out the bundle here: Happy Mama Bundle

Journal Prompts:

While you’re working through the course, listening to the podcasts, or exploring the bundle, here are a few prompts to help you reflect:

Journal Prompt time:

  1. Podcast Reflection: After listening to one of the podcast episodes, what was your biggest takeaway, and how can you apply it to your current journey?
  2. Dream Bundle: If you could create a bundle filled with resources and tools to support your biggest dreams, what would be in it? Why do you think those tools would be the most helpful?
  3. Free Course: In the free course, what did you discover about yourself that surprised you, and how will it influence your next steps?

I’d love to look over your shoulder and read what you’ve written if you feel like sharing! Just hit reply and send over your reflections, and I promise I’ll respond. I hope these resources bring you inspiration and guidance. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, thoughts, or just want to chat. I’m here for you!

Support My Mission for a Healthier Planet 🌍

Did you know that local actions can have a global impact? By supporting my mission to restore Frederick’s waterways, you’re helping to reduce pollution that eventually flows into the oceans, affecting ecosystems and communities around the world. Every tip, donation, and effort counts. Join me in creating cleaner water, healthier wildlife, and a better environment for everyone.

P.S. To make sure you always receive my newsletters and updates, add my email address to your contacts. This is usually done by clicking on my email address at the top of this message and selecting "Add to Contacts" or "Save Contact." This ensures that all our future conversations land where they should—in your inbox. Thank you for being a part of this empowering community!

P.P.S. If you received this email from a friend and want to join our list, here is the link.

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